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Jim and Jane Ritchie papers
Collection comprises 21 boxes of research papers, conference papers, literature, newsletters, and reel-to-reel audio tapes assembled by University of Waikato psychology professors Jane and James (Jim) Ritchie. Subjects covered include: abortion, rape, Swedish sex education, gender studies, women's movement, Women's Studies Department committee papers, parenting, surveys, male body image, child rearing, children and education, corporal punishment, attitudes to war, Māori language in pre-schools, Te Kohanga Pre‐School research, United Women's Convention.
Box 1:
International Research/Articles on
1. Abortion
2. Rape
3. Swedish sex education
4. Miscellaneous Gender Studies topics
Box 2:
- International Women's Year Conference Papers
- Advisory Committee on Women's Affairs, newsletters, etc.
- Envelope holding information from United Nations on Asian and Pacific Development for Women.
Box 3:
- Miscellaneous items on Women's movement, conference papers, literature, newsletters etc.
Box 4:
- Women's Studies Department and committee files
Box 5:
- Women's Studies committee papers
Box 6:
- Women's Studies committee papers
Box 7:
- Corporal Punishment Printouts
Box 8:
- Attitudes to War Printouts
Box 9:
- Folder Te Kohanga Pre‐School Experiment
- PlayCentre Journal No.34 1975 Third Term
- Carnegie Quarterly Vol XXVII No. 1, Winter 1979
- Pre‐School Education Vol 4, No.2 May 1974 (x2 – one photocopy)
- Pre School questionnaire, lists, information on Māori language
- Eight newspaper articles on Māori language and other activities in pre schools
- Report on the Te Kohanga Pre‐School project dated December 1976
- An evaluation on the Te Kohanga Pre School project November 1975
Box 10:
- Files and correspondence – Working party on Affirmative Action
Box 11:
- Folder with miscellaneous correspondence on United Women’s Convention
- Two folders with data – Girls Summary
- Article “Till Consent us do Part” NZ Listener, June 29, 1974 and data on families, Māori and Pakeha children and their upbringing.
Box 12:
- Questionnaires received from Violent Backgrounds
Box 13:
- Written data and floppy computer disc for Mothers v Fathers 1987
- Written data and floppy computer disc for Solo Mothers v Dual Mothers 1996
- Written data and floppy computer disc for Fathers and Working Mothers
- Written data and 2 floppy computer discs for Mother (Part 1 and 2 on disc 1, Part three on disc 2)
Box 14:
- Working Papers, and Reports for Te Kohanga Preschool Unit
Box 15
- Working Papers, and Reports for Te Kohanga Preschool Unit
Box 16
- Working Papers, and Reports for Te Kohanga Preschool Unit
Box 17
- Protest Survey
Box 18
- Correspondence and application for research grant for research on “Child Rearing Patterns of Single Fathers”
- Interviews for “Father” and “Mother” and “Single Parent” research
- Motherhood in New Zealand in the Eighties: Some Child Rearing Comparisons, Jane Ritchie
- Folder with information/data on Family child rearing
- Folders with Overhead Projector files Motherhood 1977‐1987, Families, Child Rearing, Attitudes to physical punishment
Box 19
- Copies of Interim Report on Child Rearing Survey, 1977
- Report: Parent Support Survey, 1979
- Other copies of interviews and application for research grant
- Folder with correspondence about Te Kohanga Pre‐School Research group
Box 20
- Invitation to participate in Research for the Male Body Image
- Male Body Image Questionnaire – samples and completed
Box 21
- Folders with information from pre‐school and school aged children
- Articles from a variety of magazines and journals
Box 22‐25
- Projector tapes on subjects the Richie’s have taught at the University of Waikato (Centre of Māori Studies and Research). (These made need format changing if still readable.)
- Note: It is difficult to decipher some of the markings but the following are the subjects and the accompanying tapes that we hold. Some of the tapes may not be in the correct place or order. Need to be viewed to place in correct sequence.
- Child Rearing Research Town/Māori Sample - Reels numbered 1‐19, 21‐44, 47‐48, 54
- Urban/Pakeha/Māori - 58 reels
- Urban/Māori - 26 reels? (different numbering on reels)
- Child Rearing Research J. & J.E. Ritchie All Town/Māori Sample? - 38 reels differing numbers
- Child Rearing Research J. & J.E. Ritchie Pa Māori - Reels numbered 0‐13
- Massey Lectures – R.D. Laing Politics of the Family - Reels numbered 1‐5
- Te Rangatahi - 1 reel
- One reel with no cover/nothing to identify topic