Pei Te Hurinui Jones, Maharaia Winiata and Bruce Biggs
Dr Pei Te Hurinui Jones,DrMaharaia Winiata and Dr Bruce Biggs are three distinguished Māori academic scholars, who significantly contribute to the collections which are attended to and cared for within the Mahi Māreikura room. They all were significant writers within the Journal of the Polynesian Society publishing's (JPS); these journals studied the history, cultures and contemporary society of Māori and Pacific Island peoples. Biggs and Jones worked together within numerous publishing's. Therefore, their works and manuscripts are featured side by side within the Mahi Māreikura room. Both Maharaia and Jones contributed to significant research about the Kīngitanga movement. Maharaia (1958) published the Centennial celebration 2nd May, 1858-1958: Founding of the Māori King Movement, Turangawaewae Marae, Ngaruawahia. Jones (1959) wrote and published King Pōtatau which chronicled the life of the first Māori king and documented the whakapapa of King Pōtatau Te Wherowhero. Interestingly, Jones and Biggs utilised the research and publication by Winiata (1958) on the Kīngitanga within their well-known book Ngā iwi o Tainui (1995).Furthermore, the life's work and research of Dr Winiata, Dr Jones & Dr Biggs have not only had an invaluable impact within the collection but as distinctive figures within the community and Te Ao Māori.